Música Clásica Argentina
Cantantes Director de orquesta Directores de coro Bailarines Compositores Musicólogos Críticos Pedagogo Docentes Regiseur Escenógrafos Coreógrafos Iluminadores Luthier orquesta / Bandas Coros Conjunto de cámara Instituciones


Su opinión


Actualidad 2002

Consulte: 2007 2008

Estimados colegas:
Esta nota va dirigida a todos los miembros del COMTA y del CAMU.
Envio a Uds. el pedido del CIM para cubrir el cargo de SECRETARIO DEL
Solicitamos su mas amplia difusion a traves de diarios,radios,revistas,TV y las distintas instituciones musicales en cada pais.
Alicia Terzian
Presidente CAMU

Dear Members of the International Music Council
On behalf of the Executive Committee of the International Music Council, I am pleased to send you herewith the vacancy announcement for the position of Secretary General of the IMC. The Executive Committee invites all members to disseminate this announcement as widely as possible, and beyond a committee's or organisation's membership, in order to give all valuable candidates the opportunity to apply. You may wish to put the announcement on your websites, bulletin boards etc., include it in forthcoming Newsletters and other publications, or publish it in any other form you may deem appropriate.  With regard to the crucial role the Secretary General of the IMC plays in the development of our organisation, your helping us to give wide publicity  to this announcement will be highly appreciated. Allow me also to draw your attention to the urgency of the matter, as we would wish to receive candidatures by December 20th 2002 so as to set in  place and conclude the selection process in a timely manner. In order to be able to keep track of the publicity given to this announcement, I would also very much appreciate it if you could inform me about any form of assistance your organisation can give us in this matter. With many thanks for your kind help.
Yours sincerely,
Silja Fischer
Executive Director
International Music Council
Conseil international de la musique
Maison de l'UNESCO
1 rue Miollis
75732 PARIS cedex 15
Tel. +33 1 45 68 25 50
Fax +33 1 43 06 87 98
e-mail: imc_cim@compuserve.com 
Website: www.unesco.org/imc


© Copyright 2001 Música Clásica Argentina (108657).
Todos los derechos reservados. Ley 11.723

Prohibida su reproducción total o parcial.
Fecha de lanzamiento 1-02-2001
Responsable: Ana María Mondolo