  Eduardo Tami - Música Clásica Argentina
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Instrumentistas Cantantes Directores de Orquesta Directores de Coro Bailarines Compositores Musicólogos Críticos Pedagogos Docentes Regiseur Escenógrafo Coreógrafos Orquestas Coros Conjuntos instrumentales Instituciones Musicales




Eduardo Tami

(Buenos Aires, 31-01-1952)









In my experience, art is a powerful instrument to transcend cultural differences, as the language of music is universal and can overcome the barriers established by diverse idiosyncrasies. In fact, music becomes ground on witch to build understanding.  



To divulge the work of Argentine composers trough hands-on workshop which would help students understand our music.


Particular Approach of this Programme

Springing from popular music, certain composers begin to develop the intuitive elements of folkloric music with more advanced, academic techniques, thus creating a new genre, which contains the irreverence of the popular but adds to the rigorous technical detail of academic music.

Composers like Gershwin and Piazzolla have kept the popular appeal of Jazz and Tango Respectively, but working on a highly developed structure.

My proposal consists in adapting the way of interpreting of this genre searching for the balance between refinement and spontaneity.

My aim is to teach interpretation, not instrumental technique; therefore the sessions will be held in the form of “rehearsals” to prepare for the final concert.



School authorities will select advanced students who play different instruments and who are interested in participating actively in the programme.

1) From this selection, different groups shall be formed (string quartets, little string ensembles, woodwinds quintets, pianists, or other combinations)

2) According to the instrumental combinations formed, the musical pieces for each group will be suggested.

3) The scores will be sent in advance so that students are familiar with the pieces and have enough time to solve possible technical difficulties.

4) The workshop will conclude in a public performance of the students members and myself,

5) The workshop lasts 4 days (3 rehearsals and the concert).

6) Each workshop will have no more than 5 groups thus the concert will last 2 hours (10 or 15 minutes of music each group more or less one hour of music pure).

7) If more than 5 groups were formed, more time will be requires for preparation and more dates for concerts.

Students, who were not selected, may listen in the rehearsals.  





Bpath Contador